Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, November 1, 2010

Trying to give up control...

Everyone at work has been giving me such a hard time because for the most part I don't let Ava feed herself. I'm having a hard time giving up that control. She will eat her finger foods and the "non" messy (if there is a such thing) stuff by herself. But I have never given her a spoon before...bc you know,...its just going to be super messy. The otherday I gave her mashed potatoes...I figure they are a good spoon food, and they would be a good food to learn how to work it. So here goes nothing...

hmm this spoon thing doesn't work well...I will just use my hands!

mmmm see my hand is works just fine!!!

Why can't I get the food to stay on this end of the spoon...Doesn't the handle go in your mouth?!?!

All done! (this really is her signing all done! She can also sign more, please, and thank you!!! smart baby!!!)

Oh you really have to take my picture so much??? I'm just smearing food all over my face!

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