Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Monday, May 4, 2009

What an emotional weekend. I don't even know where to start. So many thoughts, feelings, emotions. It all started last week I think Tues or Wed. My Grandmother got put back in the hospital for an infection. Little did they know she was septic. She is now unresponsive and has been since Thursday night (maybe Friday). I got the call Saturday while I was at work that we are taking it hour by hour. Thanks to all of my amazing co-workers I was able to leave early and go see her. David and I packed up and made our trip to Greenville. Little did we know that we would have to swim there!!! I haven't seen so much rain! In fact while we were driving my dad called me to let me know they were having a tornado and they had moved all the patients to the halls...including my Grandma who is on a ventilator. We finally made it just in time before visiting hour was over. My heart just breaks when I think my Grandmother there just lying there pretty much just lifeless. Sometimes I just hate being a nurse...I wish that I had no knowelge of what was going on. I wish I could be like my Uncles who still have hope. I wish that I could do over the last 25 years and fix all the dumb little problems that me and my Grandparents had.

It turns out that they think the infection might be going away, but the damage has already been done. She has a leaky heart vavle do to the infection going to her heart. The infection got to her brain and they are thinking she has little to no brain function and to top things off she has now gotten pneumonia.

Pray for my family. Wednesday is the day. I guess it is the day they see how much damage has happened, if they are going to take her off the vent. My uncles have finally accepted things and plans have stated to be one likes to make these plans. Pray for Jason as he starts to prepare the services...Pray that he as the strength to get through it (Lord knows I wouldn't be able to do it). Just pray for us.

So lets back up to Sunday afternoon. We were all going to go eat lunch then come back home when we got the call about David's Grandpa who fell at home and was now at the hospital. (I guess it was a two for one weekend on seeing Grandparents in the hospital). He is doing ok. He broke a rib and is in pain. Pray for their family has they transition to moving them to a nursing home. Pray for the healing of the ribs.

We made it back to Abilene today and I never been so glad to be home. We are both so physicaly and emotionally tired. David has finals this week and has to preach tomorow night. And I work Tues, Wed, Thurs. So a busy busy week the only reward for it is that I have a 4 day weekend again!!! Monday I go back to the Dr. so lots of things to look forward to. Just please remember us this week and be praying for us. Hope everyone has a good week! Keep away from the pig flu!!!

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