Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Bunco for Breast Cancer!

Tuesday night was Hendrick's Bunco for Breast Cancer. Just imagine 1400 women, one huge room, dressed up for a crazy breast cancer feista, playing bunco!!! It was soooo much fun!!! I don't know what it is about Breast cancer events...but they always bring out the crazy outfits and fun in people. I'm so proud of our floor (P7) and we had a great turn out this year. We were able to have 2 teams of 12!!! (I have been working really hard on getting our nurses more involved in community events that support our's working slowly). These past few weeks I have truly loved being with my P7 girls! I feel like I'm in the right place!

Like I said breast cancer events bring out the crazy in people...and the theme was feista...this is what happened!

We all made hats... My lovely pumpkin model! (and yes that is a zebra print bra on the top!)
Before the event a few of us met up for dinner at Chili's...and once again it brings the crazy out in you and we sure did wear our hats into Chili's!!!

Kim and Missy @ Chili's

Carolyn and Corey...Caroyln's hat had a mirro that said boob check on it...with those two boob looking balloons!
Me and was so hard taking pictures with people and them looking like you like eachothers!!! Our hats were sooo big!
Me and one of the Charge nurses on the floor...Nancy!
Missy showing off the top of her hat

Mine, Kim's, and Missy's hats

Sherry, and our Pat

this is Bertha's hat...she doesn't like to take pictures so she flipped her hat down...and the boobs are made out of a facemask! So clever!



Here are some action shots of us playing!

I guess everyone has to have their mouths open to roll dice!

My boss Marla and her mom

Me and Whitney!

Whitney, Missy and Me

Missy was the big winner for our table...guess what she won?!?!?! 2 free passes to the shooting range!?!?!?! Why would that be a prize at a all women event?!?!?!!

Most of our hats...Aren't they cute!
I will be doing another post, once I get pictures from other people's cameras...I some how didn't get any group shots on my camera!

Ok here is my soap box...I can't do a breast cancer post and say anything...
Everyone please make sure you are doing self checks and getting tested EVERY year!!! Breast cancer is now the 2nd leading cause of death in women! (Lung cancer has now moved to STOP smoking!!!). And if you can't afford it there are tons of programs to get them done for free/ super cheap!

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